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CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: "Single Cell Genomics"

CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: "Single Cell Genomics"CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: "Single Cell Genomics"


CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: "Single Cell Genomics"

Barcelona, Spain

Click here to see the definitive program!
Organised by: the Genomics Unit of the CRG Core Facilities.
Symposium overview:

There is an increasing body of evidence that single cell analysis is necessary to gain understanding of the complexity of biological processes. Examples include the evolution of malignancies at the single cell level, and the expression analysis of single cells in a spatial and temporal context. The scarcity of RNA or DNA that can be isolated from an individual cell imposes large technical hurdles on sample processing and the generation of unbiased data. Recently, advances in technologies have made it feasible to overcome such difficulties. This symposium will address the question how new technologies allow to study molecular events at the level of the single cell, and highlight the emerging impact on modern biological and genetical research.

Confirmed Speakers

James HICKS, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor US
Sten LINNARSSON, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm SE
Neil WARD, Illumina, Essex UK


Heinz Himmelbauer
Anna Ferrer Salvador
Magda Montfort Roca
Doris Meder


PRBB Auditorium
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain

Participation to the symposium is free of charge and open to all PRBB staff as well as external scientists. For registration, participants should click here
or use the link on the right framework of this page.

Contact person
Blanka Wysocka
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 93 316 01 45
Fax +34 93 316 00 99


All lectures will be in English