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Symposium "QuanTissue: Quantitative Models in Cell and Developmental Biology"

Symposium "QuanTissue: Quantitative Models in Cell and Developmental Biology"Symposium "QuanTissue: Quantitative Models in Cell and Developmental Biology"

13/02/2012 to 15/02/2012
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Symposium "QuanTissue: Quantitative Models in Cell and Developmental Biology"

Barcelona, Spain

Launching Symposium of the European Science Foundation Research Networking Programme “QuanTissue: Quantitative Models in Cell and Developmental Biology”
: Hernán López-Schier (CRG - Barcelona)
The development and function of a multi-cellular organism depend as much on the signaling and patterning programs encoded in its genome as on the physical forces acting upon and exerted by its constituent cells. However, it is still poorly understood how the genome and the mechanical cellular environment interact, and how the local cellular and global morphogenetic processes are interrelated. Imaginative and refined experimental strategies using genetics, imaging, quantitative and biophysical approaches, combined with mathematical modeling are necessary to understand cellular and developmental processes.
QuanTissue is an ESF-funded project that aims to foster an interactive and collaborative network to bridge the gap between traditional developmental and cell biology, biophysics and systems biology. This first QuanTissue meeting will bring together experts and students from complementary disciplines with a firm interest in a quantitative understanding of the basic mechanisms that govern morphogenetic processes at sub-cellular to tissue levels. The main emphasis of this first meeting and of the workshop that will immediately follow will be to highlight the state-of-the-art in tracking and quantifying dynamical processes, from single molecules within cells, to whole cells in tissues.

Confirmed Speakers:

Richard Adams (University of Cambridge, UK)
Benoit Aigouy (Max Planck Institute, Dresden, DE
Julien Compagnon
(IST Austria, Vienna, AT)
James A. Glazier (Indiana University, USA)
Marcos González-Gaitán (University of Geneva, CH)
Nathan W. Goehring (Max Planck Institute, Dresden, DE)
Jan Huisken (Max Planck Institute, Dresden, DE)
Paul Janmey (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Thomas Lecuit (IBDM, Marseille, FR)
Alfonso Martínez-Arias University of Cambridge, UK)
Ewa Paluch MPI-CBG, Dresden / IIMCB, Warsaw)
Lukas Pelkmans (ETH, Zurich, CH)
Mathieu Piel (Institut Curie, Paris, FR)
James Sharpe (CRG, Barcelona, ES)
Xavier Trepat (Universitat de Barcelona, ES)
Julien Vermot (IGBMC, Strasbourg, FR)

Application deadline: January 15th, 2012

The conference is free for the scientific community, but you need to register.

There will be a poster session organized during the conference. If you want to present a poster, please include the necessary information in the registration form.

From the received abstracts, we will also select short talks to be presented during the conference.

Conference Venue:
PRBB Auditorium
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona

Contact person:
Blanka Wysocka
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tel.: +34 93 316 01 45


The Symposium will be followed by a Workshop:

“Tracking across scales: from single molecules to cells”
February 16-18, 2012; PRBB Building, Barcelona, Spain

Co-ordinating teachers: Richard Adams, Carl-Philipp Heisenberg, Marcos González-Gaitán.

Being able to track the movement of the components of a system is a key step in investigating structure and dynamics. In biological systems, the heterogeneity of components, the experimental challenges of imaging, and the constraints of image processing methods make the tracking of components non-trivial. We call for applications for an interdisciplinary workshop that will use real research problems to examine all aspects of tracking in biology. We have succeeded in attracting a combination of international well-established and star junior scientists. We will discuss approaches and methods in sample preparation, imaging, imaging processing, and theoretical analysis of the data. An expert faculty will guide the discussions. We encourage applications from postdocs and PhD students with backgrounds in physics, engineering, computer sciences as well as biology. We hope that the interaction will generate novel ideas and practical solutions.

There will be a poster session organized during the conference. If you want to present a poster, please include the necessary information in the registration form.

We will check all the received applications and we will send an email to the selected participants shortly after application deadline. Not accepted participants will be also informed via email.

Application deadline: January 15th, 2012.

General registration fee: 200 EUR.
PhD and Master students registration fee: 100 EUR.

The registration fee includes: entrance to the workshop, coffee breaks and lunches during the conference. Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. A partial or full refund of travel and lodging costs is possible for the participants to the Workshop.

Workshop Venue:
Marie Curie meeting room
PRBB Building
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona

Contact person:
Blanka Wysocka
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tel.: +34 93 316 01 45