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V CRG PhD Students Symposium

V CRG PhD Students SymposiumV CRG PhD Students Symposium

24/11/2011 to 25/11/2011

V CRG PhD Students Symposium

Barcelona, Spain

The V CRG PhD Students Symposium is a CRG internal symposium with the aim to provide a platform for the young scientists working at the CRG. All 2nd year students will give a short talk focusing on the main question they want to address in their PhD and how they are planning to do this. In addition posters of 3rd year students will give an overview of work that is being carried out in our institute.

To facilitate a high attendance the whole duration of the symposium is considered lab-work free time.
Check out the final program of the Symposium!

Caroline BRUNS, Cell and Developmental Biology Programme
Joao CURADO, Bioinformatics and Genomics Programme
Laura GAVEGLIA, Gene Regulation Programme
Valeria Di GIACOMO, Differentiation and Cancer Programme
Astrid HOERMANN, Systems Biology Programme
Adam KLOSIN, Systems Biology Programme
Aina MASGRAU, Cell and Developmental Biology Programme
Stefania MEJETTA, Differentiation and Cancer Programme
Bernhard PAETZOLD, Systems Biology Programme
Matteo PECORARO, Differentiation and Cancer Programme
Andy POHL, Gene Regulation Programme
Leszek Piotr PRYSZCZ, Bioinformatics and Genomics Programme
Francesca RAPINO, Differentiation and Cancer Programme
Jelena RASPOPOVIC, Systems Biology Programme
Emilia SZOSTAK, Gene Regulation Programme
Iris TITOS, Cell and Developmental Biology Programme
Kiana TOUFIGHI, Systems Biology Programme
Daniel TRUJILLANO, Genes and Disease Programme

Contact person
Imma Falero
Academic Officer
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Tel.: +34 93 316 01 48
Fax: +34 93 316 00 99