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SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: Addict? Don't worry, I can control it!

SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: Addict? Don't worry, I can control it!SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: Addict? Don't worry, I can control it!


SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: Addict? Don't worry, I can control it!


Where is the limit between controled drugs consumption and addiction? What happens to my brain when I take drugs? Why taking drugs is bad if it makes me feel so good? Is there any genetic predisposition for becoming an addict? Is it possible to take drugs "under control"?

Alcohol is really present in our culture and drugs consumption is very popular amongst the young people. Everybody knows the negative effects of taking drugs but nobody can imagine how easy is to become an addict. The contribution of our invited experts will help us to make some doubts clear about addictions and will add information to the debate.



  • Sílvia Mondón. Psychiastrist. Unidad de Alcohología del Servicio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Clínic.
  • Rafael Maldonado. Neuropharmacology Researcher. Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Date and time: monday, 19th january, 7.30 p.m.
Place: Bar del Convent. Plaça de l’Acadèmia, s/n - 08003 Barcelona (Centre Cívic Sant Agustí)