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SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: So, what's cancer?

SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: So, what's cancer?SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: So, what's cancer?


SmS - CRG Scientific Cafe: So, what's cancer?


Burnt bread, microwaves, mobile phone... are they carcinogenic? Are all cancers the same? How can research help for the cancer cure? Is cancer hereditary?

Cancer is part of our lives and, for that reason, It is always dragging off a lot of myths and taboo. This scientific cafe wants to offer a good dialogue about that question bringing some information about cancer and recent research in that field.


  • Ignacio Blanco. Director of the Genetic Advice Programme. Institut Català d'Oncologia (ICO).
  • Marcus Buschbech. Researcher of the Epigenetic Events in Cancer. Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG).
  • Beatriz Bellosillo. Pathology Service. Hospital del Mar.

Moderators: Antonios Lioutas & Isabel Peset, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG).

Entrance: Free (places limited to 80 people).

Date & time: Monday 24th November 2008 at 7:30 p.m.

Place: Cafeteria of the CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona)