On the 4th anniversary of the Bioemprenedor XXI program, the CRG tech transfer office took part in the round table “The thriving innovative projects in biomedicine, biotechnology and medical...
CRG Researchers have discovered a new mechanism by which mutations in gene BRCA1 can induce breast cancer. The work, which is published in the journal Cancer Research, explains the greater growth...
The prize will go to fund research projects focused on the genetic factors of Fibromyalgia and Huntington’s Chorea.
The Centre for Genomic Regulation has created CRG Alumni, a platform where ex-members of the CRG can share their professional and personal experiences.
Investigators from Europe and America have met in Bethesda on 6-8 April 2011 to define the framework of cooperation in order to elucidate the causes of most of over 7,000 rare disorders and to...
From April 5 to 7, CRG researchers are demonstrating a real line of research from the Mechanisms of Cancer and Aging laboratory.
In fact, the workshop is being held in the form of a competition to find the best tools for genome sequencing, mapping and assembly, and reading of alignment data, using second-generation...
The Centre for Genomic Regulation has created CRG Alumni, a platform where ex-members of the CRG can share their professional and personal experiences.
Researchers from the Chromatin and Gene Expression laboratory of the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona have discovered a mechanism which enables access to the information found in the DNA...
This finding, published in the journal Science, shows that cells are able to measure the length of their DNA, and adjust its level of compaction to allow chromosome separation during cell division...