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OUR ALUMNI: Jia-Ming Chang, postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Human Genetics CNRS, Montpellier, France


Jue, 30/04/2015 - 10:31

OUR ALUMNI: Jia-Ming Chang, postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Human Genetics CNRS, Montpellier, France

I studied computer science for my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the National Tsing Hua University in China. I remember that, during my interview at the CRG, I was so impressed, facing the sea from the 5th floor (you know, the beer session place).Then, I spent a few days in Barcelona as a tourist. At that moment, I realised I wanted to be more than a tourist. So I came here. My stay at the CRG and in Barcelona was amazing!!! Although five-years is a bit long for a PhD, it is too short for a stay in Barcelona.

This city and its environment completely captivated me. Summer now makes me yearn for beach volleyball. I was the champion of the disaster league. You know, FCB is going to the semifinal of the Champion’s League. All I can do now is sit in front of the computer and watch the match alone.

I like the city and my stay was fantastic because of all these memories, but I also enjoyed the scientific environment of the CRG. I remember rushing around from one seminar to another. They were all so interesting: a dream for a restless student! You can discuss science everywhere and anytime in meetings, group retreats, and so on. A three-month internship at the EBI allowed me to apply my research (of course, T-Coffee) in a practical application.

Now, I am a postdoc at the Institute of Human Genetics in Montpellier (France) and my research is not quite related to my PhD thesis. However, in some way, the broad training environment helped me get the position. I am not sure I can give any advice to students or postdocs. However, for PIs, yes. Beer sessions are good for the health. :P