Ben Lehner, head of the Genetic Systems research group and ICREA research professor at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), in Barcelona, has just been awarded a Consolidator Grant from the...
The genome sequences of two humans differ at millions of positions. Most of these differences lie outside of genes, and so have the potential to influence how genes are switched on or off, not the...
CRG researchers describe in a paper published in Nature that many genetic differences between individuals influence the dynamic patterns of how genes are switched on or off during development. The...
The study, published in Nature today, describes the sugar beet reference genome sequence generated by researchers both from the CRG, the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics and the...
Four research groups from the CRG (one co-affiliated to the CNAG) have received a prestigious ERC grant. The 5-year project has been awarded 12.2 million euros.
A group of CRG researchers have discovered a faster and more efficient mechanism for reprogramming induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS).
The biomedical research institute based in Barcelona is the first institute to be awarded the logo in Catalonia
A study published recently in the Journal of Neuroscience points, for the first time, to the gene trkC as a factor in susceptibility to the disease.
The CRG-Wits-Novartis mobility programme is, for the first time, bringing three students from University of the Wits university in Johannesburg (South Africa) to the CRG in Barcelona (Spain).
A Spanish research team led by the CSIC and with contribution of the CRG and the CNAG has completed the first part of the project entitled “First comprehensive DNA sequencing of the olive tree"....