Understanding career opportunities that best exploit your skillset

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Understanding career opportunities that best exploit your skillset
Course description:
Even though there are a wide range of diverse, challenging and rewarding job and career opportunities after a PhD/Postdoc, many researchers feel lost, undervalued and unsure of the path to take. This course addresses these concerns and combined with personalized assessment and reflection ensures that participants are not only fully aware of the options available to them but also choose the career that fits them personally as well as professionally.
Course aim:
The aim of this course is to give participants an overview of different career options and through personal assessment and reflection understand their own motivations, strengths and weaknesses. To give them the confidence topursuethe job opportunities that are the best fit for them.
Specific learning outcomes; what new skills, knowledge &/or attitudes:
● Personal assessment: own strengths and weaknesses.
● Self-knowledge: personal drivers, motivators and restrictions that may affect career choice.
● Examples of most common (statistically) job opportunities for STEM researchers, the skills these jobs require, advantages and disadvantages of each.
● Online networking tips; how to advance your career by using online networks, tips and advice to improve visibility.
Trainer: Roni Wright
Date: 19th October 2022
Time: 14:30-17:30
Location: Marie Curie room (PRBB Patio)
Registration deadline: 5th of October 2022 - EXTENDED! 16th October
Registration HERE