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Single Cell Genomics Symposium

Single Cell Genomics SymposiumSingle Cell Genomics Symposium



The 1st Single Cell Genomics Symposium will take place on March 24th and 25th 2022 at the PRBB Auditorium (Barcelona, Spain).

The human body consists of trillions of cells, but a mutation in one of them can cause cancer. This example demonstrates that biology is not a process driven by averages and highlights the importance of single cell-level studies. The last years have seen a rapid expansion of the field of single-cell genomics, which has enabled paradigm shifts in many fields of biological sciences, ranging from evolutionary biology over stem cell biology to cancer research. This event aims to bring together researchers from Barcelona working in that discipline and global leaders of the field in order to foster new local and international research alliances. It is co-organized by three of Barcelona’s leading centres for genomic and biomedical research, the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) and the José Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (JCI).

Check the book of abstracts here

Organising committee:

Lars Velten | Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

Alejo Rodríguez-Fraticelli | Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)

Elisabetta Mereu | Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (JCI)



Preliminary Program

March 24th, 2022

9:00-9:10 Welcome

9:10-9:45 "New genomic technologies to deconstruct cell identity in reprogramming and development"
                       Samantha Morris | Washington University in St. Louis

Session 1 - Single cell epigenomics and cancer
                      Chair: Lars Velten

9:50-10:15 "High-throughput targeted single-cell DNA methylation analysis for uncovering epigenetic heterogeneity"
                         Renee Beekman | Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) 

10:15-10:40 "Decoding HIF pathway expression and therapeutic potential in human acute myeloid leukemia-initiating cells evolution using single-cell transcriptomics"
                           Juan Luis Trincado (Menendez's Lab) | Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (JCI)  

10:40-11:05 "Atlasing Human Primary Immunodeficiencies"
Esteban Ballestar | Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (JCI) 

11:05-11:25 "Unleashing  the Power of Single-Cell Multi-Modal Analysis to Advance Precision Medicine"
                          Gema Fuerte, Senior European Field Application Scientist, Missio Bio (sponsored talk)

11:25-11:55 Coffee break

Session 2 - Single cell technology
                      Chair: Elisabetta Mereu

11:55-12:20 "Tumor immune cell mapping for next-generation pathology"
                          Holger Heyn | Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG-CRG) 

12:20-12:40 "Unsupervised discovery of sub- and intercellular patterns of expression via deep generative modeling on spatial multi-omics data"
Luca Marconato | EMBL Heidelberg (contributed talk)

12:40-13:00 "Single-cell genome-plus-transcriptome sequencing without upfront genome preamplification reveals differential cell state plasticity and treatment response between genetic subclones"
                          Sebastiaan Vanuytven | KU Leuven (contributed talk)

13:00-13:20 "Resolving Spatial Heterogeneity Using Nanostring's High Precision and Single-Cell Profiling Platforms"
                          Niccolo Mariani | Technical Sales Specialist, NanoString Technologies (sponsored talk)

13:20-15:00 Lunch

14:00-14:30 Special Workshop: "Open Science & Publishing Tips"
                          Novella Guidi | Life Science Alliance (EMBO Press, Rockefeller University Press, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press)

Session 3 - Single cell perspectives on hematopoiesis
                      Chair: Renee Beekman

15:00-15:20 "Democratizing single cell research"
                          Thomas Osborne | Dolomite Bio | Izasa Scientific (sponsored talk)

15:20-15:45 "Transcriptional regulation of the trophectoderm-ICM bifurcation during pre-implantation embryo development"
                          Thomas Graf | Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) 

15:45-16:05 "Single-cell multi-omics reveal routes of purifying selection and metabolic vulnerabilities due to pathogenic mitochondrial DNA"
Leif Ludwig | Berlin Institute of Health (contributed talk)

16:05-16:35 Coffee break

16:35-17:00 "Single-cell lineage analysis of aged and premalignant hematopoietic stem cells"
                           Alejo Rodriguez-Fraticelli | Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) 

17:00-17:25 "Clonally resolved single-cell multi-omics enables the identification of cancer specific surface antigens"
                          Lars Velten | Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

17:25-17:55 "Deciphering TP53 mutant Cancer Evolution with Single-Cell Multi-Omics"
                         Adam Mead | University of Oxford

18:00-20:00 Social hour & Poster session


March 25th, 2022

Session 4 - Single cell genomics and human disease 
                      Chair: Holger Heyn

9:00-09:25 "Heterotypic cell interactions direct neoplastic competence within the pre-malignant pancreas"
                          Direna Alonso | IRB Barcelona (contributed talk)

09:25-09:45 "Developmental origins of cell heterogeneity in the human lung"
                          Sergio Marco-Salas | Stockholm University (contributed talk)

09:45-10:10 "Single-cell multi-omics: from cell atlases to human diseases"
Elisabetta Mereu | Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (JCI) 

10:10-10:45 "From genotype to phenotype with single-cell resolution"
                           Oliver Stegle | German Cancer Reseach Center

10:45-11:15 Coffee break sponsored by 10x Genomics

Session 5 - Single cell genomics and fundamental principles of biology
Chair: Alejo Rodriguez-Fraticelli

11:15-11:40 "Single cell approaches for compartive and regulatory characterization of major animal cell types"
Anamaria Elek (Sebé-Pedrós lab) | Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) 

11:40-12:05 "Untangling the structure of gene regulatory networks during adaptation" 
                           Mariona Nada-Ribelles (Posas' lab) | Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) 

12:05-12:25 "New Perspectives in Single Cell: Pushing the Boundaries with 10x Genomics Solutions"
                          Christophe Fleury | 10xGenomics | Bonsai Lab (sponsored talk)

12:25-12:50 "Single-cell transcriptomics of iPSC-derived neurons reveals functional changes in Alzheimer's Disease"
                           Mireya Plass or lab member | Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)

12:50-13:25 "Decoding the developing human immune system"
                       Muzz Haniffa | Newcastle University & Wellcome Sanger Institute

13:25-13:35 Closing remarks

13:35-15:00 Lunch