Library preparation for next generation sequencing 2019

Library preparation for next generation sequencing 2019
This course will focus on the preparation of next generation sequencing libraries for sequencing on the Illumina platform. The course will include a theoretical part about sequencing technologies and a practical part scheduled in two modules to be chosen: ChIP seq library preparation (NEBNext) and mRNA seq stranded library preparation (Illumina). The course will be taught by experienced instructors from the core facility who use these protocols on a daily basis.
The course will consist of a common theoretical part and two separate modules (mRNA seq and ChIP seq) which could be taken independently.
Instructors: Jochen Hecht, Nuria Andreu Somavilla, Maria Magdalena Monfort Roca
- Theoretical part (common): 21st October 2019 (11:30 – 13:00)
- Module I: mRNAseq; 22nd and 23rd of October 2019 (9:30 – 17:00)
- Module II: ChIPseq; 24th of October (9:30 – 17:00)
Where: CRG Training centre (PRBB patio) and the training wet lab (6th floor)
Maximum nº of students: 16 (participants which will have the possibility to bring their own samples (max 2).
Application deadline: 5th of September 2019