Internal Training: Introduction to Machine Learning

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06/05/2021 to 27/05/2021
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Internal Training: Introduction to Machine Learning
The course aim is to approach machine learning workflows to our daily discussions. Throughout the course, we will give a theoretical and practical overview of which models are available and what kind of problems can be tackled with machine learning. In particular, on the practical side, we will use the scikit-learn ecosystem to have a hands-on perspective analyzing both sample and omic data.
- What is machine learning?
- Supervised learning
- Unsupervised learning
- Dimensionality Reduction
Teachers: Savvas Kourtis, Tahnee Mackensen, Sergi Beneyto Calabuig, Ivo Leist, Xavier Hernandez Alias, Miquel Anglada Girotto, Anamaria Elek, Sonal Rashmi
Dates: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th of May from 14:00 to 17:00
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Level: Beginners
Maximum nº participants: 30
Previous knowledge required: Basic python, usage of pandas and numpy modules
Technical requirements:
- google account to access google colab
- Chrome or Firefox web browsers
Registration deadline: 3rd May 2021
Registration HERE