FlowJo 2019 - Flow Cytometry Data Analysis

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FlowJo 2019 - Flow Cytometry Data Analysis
When: Thursday 6th June 2019, 10:00h – 13:00h (Basic), 14:30h – 17:30h (Advanced)
Friday 7th June 2019, 10:00h – 13:00h (Basic), 14:30h – 17:30h (Advanced)
Where: CRG Training Centre
Instructor: FlowJo, LLC
Organizer: CRG/UPF Flow Cytometry Unit
Maximum nº of attendees for each course: 19
Application deadline: 30th April 2019
FlowJo is an advanced software package which contains the most necessary tools for any type of flow cytometry data analysis. These two level practical courses are intended for researchers and technicians wishing to increase their level of data analysis using FlowJo software. The training is divided in two independent modular courses:
Basic training: Exploring the FlowJo workspace. From loading the samples to present your analysis.
- The FJ workspace
- Customizing and ribbons
- Sample quality check
- Creating and editing groups and keywords
- The Graph Window
- Gating tools
- Transformations
- Statistics
- The layout editor
- Batching and iterations
- The table editor
- Saving the workspace
Advanced training: Exploring High dimensional data analysis.
- Downloading and installing plugins
- Sample quality plugins
- Dimensionality reduction plugins
- Automated clustering plugins
- Index sorting
Either option can be chosen (one of them or both) depending on the previous knowledge/experience with the software.
Price of each course is 100 euros (VAT included).
CRG Training Centre
CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation
PRBB Building
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
For more information, please contact: training@crg.eu