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CRG | IMPaCT T2D Symposium: Genome Sequencing and Precision Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes

CRG | IMPaCT T2D Symposium: Genome Sequencing and Precision Medicine for Type 2 DiabetesCRG | IMPaCT T2D Symposium: Genome Sequencing and Precision Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes



The CRG | IMPaCT T2D Symposium: Genome Sequencing and Precision Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes will be celebrated on November 17th -18th, 2022 at the Centre of Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona.

The Symposium is an event organized by the CRG on occasion of a new recent initiative funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, known as IMPaCT T2D, to sequence whole genomes from a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes. Its purpose is to bring together experts in genomics and precision medicine from academic and private sectors and while there is a significant focus on diabetes, some sessions will cover other areas of genomic medicine.

Organising Committee: Urko Marigorta, Arcadi Navarro, Jorge Ferrer, Silvia Bonas-Guarch, Jesús Blanco, Josep Franch and Sara Guerrero

Registration deadline extended until 15th November 2022. Register HERE.

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Day 1
Thursday, 17th November

15.30   IMPaCT, a Spanish Precision Medicine Initiative

Chair: Dídac Mauricio


Genomics in the IMPaCT Spanish Personalized Medicine Infrastructure
Mónica Bayes, CNAG

The IMPaCT-T2D Initiative
Silvia Bonàs-Guarch, Center for Genomic Regulation


17.00  Keynote lectures

Chair: Urko Martínez

Human Genetics in T2D Drug Discovery and Development: A Tale from AstraZeneca’s Genomics Initiative
Slavé Petrovski, Centre for Genomics Research, AstraZeneca

Embracing the complexity of complex disease
Marylyn D. Ritchie, University of Pennsylvania


Day 2
Friday, 18th November

9.00    Genomic insights into Mendelian Diabetes

Chair: Luis Castaño

Modeling non-coding genome defects underlying diabetes
Jorge Ferrer, Center for Genomic Regulation

Correctly identifying and treating pathogenic coding variants causing monogenic diabetes
Andrew Hattersley, University of Exeter


10.50  Leveraging complex trait genetics for predictive medicine    

Chair: Arcadi Navarro

The genetic of human height, a model complex trait
Peter Visscher, University of Queensland

Translational genomics of cardiometabolic traits
Eleftheria Zeggini, Helmholtz Zentrum München

From GWAS to function - strategies to gain mechanistic disease insight
Danielle Posthuma, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 

12.50  LUNCH 

14.00  Genomics and precision medicine for common forms of diabetes 

Chair: Ana M. Wägner

Type 1 diabetes genetic risk scores for improved classification and prediction of diabetes
Richard Oram, University of Exeter

Towards precision medicine in diabetes: using genetics to understand disease heterogeneity
José Flórez, University of Harvard 

15.20  Closing