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Career Charla: Sicence Communication

Career Charla: Sicence CommunicationCareer Charla: Sicence Communication



Career Charla: Sicence Communication

Charles Darwin Room - (PRBB Patio)
Career charla is a series of events organized by the CRG and ISGlobal aiming to inform predocs, postdocs and other researchers about the career options and possibilities inside and outside of academia.
WHEN and WHERE: Wednesday, 18th of March 2020 at 4 pm, Charles Darwin room (PRBB patio)
If you wish to attend, please REGISTER HERE by the 15th of March 2020.
  • Adelaida Sarukhan. Scientific Writer

Adelaida has a PhD in immunology and a solid scientific background (over 20 years as PI and almost 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals). After taking a Masters in Science Communication, she joined the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) in 2014, where she works as scientific writer in the communications department. Her main activities include translating scientific results into a format and language adapted to different audiences (general public, policy-makers, funders, etc.); helping prepare project proposals for different funding organisms (EC, Unitaid, etc.) and leading or participating in communication and dissemination activities of international projects. 

  • Cirenia Arias. Scientific Illustrator and bioinformatician

Cirenia is a scientist and freelance illustrator based in Oxford, UK. She helps organizations and scientists to communicate their work using the power of images: producing videos, graphics, sketches, posters and animations. She has worked in events such as WorldHealthSummit RM, SciComPT, Pint of Science, PubhD Lisboa, EMBO Chromosome Segregation and Aneuploidy Workshop, Naukas Córdoba, or the European Vulture Conference. She got a PhD in Molecular Genetics at the University of Seville, and carried out research in Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Oeiras (Portugal) and Oxford. Giving talks in national science communication events such as Ciencia en Redes (2019) and Desgranando Ciencia (2018, 2019), she always shares her passion about drawing and makes everyone give it a try! Find more about her work at @CireniaSketches!

  • Gavin Lucas. Trainer, Editor and Entrepreneur

Gavin is a scientist with 13 years of experience in biomedical research, and 12 years of experience as a scientific editor and trainer. He has a solid track-record as a publishing scientist, and has also helped publish hundreds of scientific articles and funding proposals for dozens of institutes in diverse fields. He has extensive experience as a trainer in scientific writing and other transferable skills for researchers, and provides consultancy on scientific productivity and training at academic institutes and agencies. Gavin founded ThePaperMill in 2013.

  • Iris Joval. Freelance Science Illustrator

Iris is the Creative Director at Wanda Barcelona & a Freelance Science Illustrator and Graphic Designer. She creates graphic abstracts, figures for articles and presentations, illustrations for front covers in scientific magazines as well as other graphic design. Iris studied Human Biology at the UPF, Barcelona. She undertook scientific internships in Cornell University in New York and Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, as well as at University of Dundee in Scotland. She has also worked in the Luciano Di Croce's laboratory at the CRG. Afterwards, she studied a degree in Art and Design at Escola Massana (UAB) and then started working as an artist at Wanda Barcelona ephemeral art studio while starting her freelance work as a scientific illustrator and graphic designer.

Moderator: Omar Jamshed. Senior Press & Communications Officer.