Automated analysis of ageing in C. elegans and beyond. 2018 GENiE Workshop

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Automated analysis of ageing in C. elegans and beyond. 2018 GENiE Workshop
The C. elegans community is currently experiencing rapid growth in the quality, diversity, and throughput of image data available. Technology will soon allow us to capture every motion from birth to death of every individual within large nematode populations. We will be able to correlate this image data with a variety of other measurements made using in vivo biosensors, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic approaches. Integration of diverse data sets collected different spatial and temporal scales will be a major challenge.
The goal of this workshop is first to provide a survey of existing imaging technologies and techniques, and second to brainstorm how as a community we can most effectively plan ahead to ensure that the data we collect remains comparable across experimental modalities. C. elegans was the first animal to have its entire developmental cell-lineage mapped and its genome sequenced. These accomplishments provide a strong foundation for the current generation of aging researchers to maintain the lead over other model systems to slowly but surely build a multi-level, high-resolution, high-dimensional characterization of the physiologic changes driving aging, from birth to death.
We welcome both technology developers and users. The meeting will include short talks, posters, demos and “unconference” discussions to maximize engagement.
Invited speakers:
- Andre Brown, Imperial College London, UK
- Ben Lehner, Centre for Genomic Regulation, ES
- Zachary Pincus, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
- James Sharpe, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, ES
- Nicholas Stroustrup, Centre for Genomic Regulation, ES
- David Weinkove, Durham University, UK
To register click here.
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08003 Barcelona, Spain
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Nicholas Stroustrup