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4th CRG Award for Training Technicians

4th CRG Award for Training Technicians4th CRG Award for Training Technicians


4th CRG Award for Training Technicians

The CRG is committed to strengthen and promote high-quality training for technicians, in the laboratories and at core facilities. This call aims to provide the CRG technicians with additional opportunities to undertake training in the form of courses or workshops that are essential to their professional development and are NOT available within the CRG or PRBB Intervals and BIST training portfolio.

The CRG Awards for Training Technicians are to cover the costs of external training for technicians employed by the CRG that is of high relevance to their professional career. External training refers to structured training courses, workshops or e-learning courses on specific scientific/technical topics or complementary skills, offered by any recognized training institution, excluding the CRG, the PRBB Intervals and BIST. The principal objective of a training application must be developing or improving specific professional skills. The proposed training should be relevant to the present or future work of the applicant, and have an impact on her/his career development.


Laboratory, Core Technologies and EGA technicians employed by the CRG are eligible to apply.The application needs to be supported by a letter from the supervising PI, Team Leader or Head of Unit.


Three grants up to 1.000€ each (covering the trip, accommodation and course fees) are     available. A breakdown budget should be included in the proposal.

Deadline and Submission:

The deadline for submitting proposals is 20th of September 2022. Proposals have to be submitted online through this FORM  

Indicative timetable:

Selection and final decision about funded projects will be by the end of September 2022.

For more information, please read this DOCUMENT