Tecnologies de la Informació (IT)
Mission and services of the IT area
The mission of the IT Department is to administer the IT assets and platforms at CRG and to provide highly effective computing support to the scientific community as well as to the administration and research support areas.
The services offered by the IT department are:
- HelpDesk: provide solutions to “tickets” from the Request Tracker, complete user administration, installation and support of desktop and laptop computers (hardware and software), technical support for the meeting rooms, printer maintenance, antivirus software, complete support for telephone lines and devices, redistribution of equipment (physical connections, computer configuration) and solutions to any other IT problem CRG Staff Handbook /July 2015 Page 35 of 57 CRG Staff Handbook / July 2015
- systems administration: administrate the common information technology platform systems and the isolated scientific information technology platforms
- web development and administration: develop and support the CRG intranet webpages and applications and the CRG website, and provide administration and support for the scientific webpages
Ismael De Mingo Benítez
e-mail: ismael.demingo@crg.eu
Telephone: 933160283
Position: Systems Administrator
Xavier Cosmes Roman
e-mail: xavier.cosmes@crg.eu
Telephone: 93 316 01 92
Position: Helpdesk Technician
Francisco Barrios Sans
e-mail: francisco.barrios@crg.eu
Telephone: 933160098
Position: Helpdesk Technician