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Introduction to Maths for Biologists 2019

Introduction to Maths for Biologists 2019Introduction to Maths for Biologists 2019

13/09/2019 to 15/11/2019

Introduction to Maths for Biologists 2019

Modern Biology is becoming an increasingly quantitative discipline that requires a high degree of interdisciplinary interactions among scientists. Biologists usually face the most difficult part of interdisciplinary collaborations since the level of mathematics needed to develop a fruitful discussion is relatively high. The goal of this course is to introduce biologists to the most basic concepts of mathematics that are needed for the study of Calculus and to acquire a basic understanding of the language of mathematics to ease interdisciplinary communication.

Teacher: Juanjo Fraire Zamora – IRB Barcelona

Aims and approach: In 8 Face-to-face sessions (1,5h each), participants will be guided through basic concepts of introductory mathematics that are the foundation for the study of Calculus. Instructors will introduce the topics with examples and exercises of biological applications when possible. The face-to-face sessions will be complemented with the online modules.

Schedule: Fridays, 13th September- 15th November 2019, 10:00- 11:30 (except 25th Oct and 1st November)

Venue: Denmark room, 6th Floor

Maximum nº of participants: 16

Audience: Biologists with very basic training in mathematics

Application deadline: 5th September 2019

Session Title Date Time

The real numbers; - Lines in the plane



Equation of the circle; - Trigonometry

20/09/19 10-11:30
3 Complex numbers and quadratic equations; - Simple and composite functions 27/09/19  10-11:30
4 Polynomial functions; - Rational functions 04/10/19 10-11:30
5 Power functions; - Exponential functions 11/10/19 10-11:30
6 Inverse functions; - Logarithmic functions 18/10/19 10-11:30
7 Trigonometric functions; - Graphing and basic transformation of functions 08/11/19 10-11:30
8 Logarithmic scale and transformation into linear functions 15/11/19 10-11:30


At the end of the course

 The students will acquire basic math vocabulary and tools for trigonometry and basic functions (including exponential and logarithmic) and their graphical properties and biological relevance. The students will be able to translate graphs or models into verbal descriptions of biological significance. This course is a pre-requisite for the study of Calculus (derivatives and integrals), which is an advanced course and will potentially be offered in the future.