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17th CRG Symposium: Trends in biology: Cutting edge techniques from genomes to organisms

17th CRG Symposium: Trends in biology: Cutting edge techniques from genomes to organisms17th CRG Symposium: Trends in biology: Cutting edge techniques from genomes to organisms




The 17th CRG Symposium will take place on 27-28 September at the PRBB Auditorium (Barcelona, Spain) on a current issue of crucial importance: new state-of-the-art technologies that are reshaping research in the biological sciences.

This Symposium aims to cover recent discoveries, methods, technologies and approaches in a wide range of topics in biology, from the molecular to organism scale. We believe that it will be stimulating to discuss how current technologies might shape our future way of thinking about biological problems.

We will bring exciting speakers from around the world to interact with the global and local scientific community to share ideas, discuss results and debate on the future on the light of new technological advances in the biological sciences.

A number of themes will be covered, including: single molecule and real time imaging techniques, genome and organoid engineering, DNA modification and synthetic virology and biology.

Watch the video by the organiserst to know what the 17th CRG Symposium is all about.


CRG PhD students and Postodcs organizing committee:

Ruggero Cortini, CRG
Marco Di Stefano, CNAG-CRG
Rosa Fernández, CRG
Tobias Hoffmann, CRG
Alejandra Laguillo, CRG
Estefania Mancini, CRG



Thursday, 27 September

08:45-09:15   Registration

09:15-09:30   Welcome by Luis Serrano, CRG Director

                       Welcome by the organizers (CRG PhD and Postdocs organizer committee)

Session 1 - Molecules in high resolution 
It is perhaps modern imaging technologies that have had the strongest impact on the field of cell biology, and will unquestionably continue to do so. The trend is to label and monitor molecules, organelles and cells and their interactions, using increasingly sophisticated tools, in real time. These images are beginning to change our views of the dynamic nature of some of the most fundamental cell biological processes.

09:30-10:10   "High resolution structure determination of dynamic macromolecular complexes by cryo-EM"
                       Holger STARK, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, DE

10:10-10:25   Selected talk: "Super-resolution microscopy reveals significant impact of M2e-
                      specific monoclonal antibodies on influenza A filamentous virion formation"
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Barcelona, ES

10:25-11:00   Networking Café

11:00-11:40   "High throughput localization microscopy for structural determination"
                       Suliana MANLEY, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH

11:40-11:55   Selected talk: "Mapping functional sites on nanoparticles with DNA-PAINT
                      super-resolution microscopy"
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC),
                      Barcelona ES

11:55-12:35   "Super-resolution imaging of transcription in live mammalian cells"
                       Ibrahim CISSÉ, MIT Department of Physics, Cambridge, US

12:35-13:15   Round table: "CRISPR's limits: #technology or #ethics?

  • Silvia CAMPORESI, King's College London, UK 
  • Marc GÜELL, Pompeu Fabra University, ES
  • Rita VASSENA, Eugin Clinic, Barcelona, ES

13:15-14:30   Lunch & Poster session

14:30-15:10   "Super-resolution microscopy with DNA molecules: Towards localizomics"
                        Ralf JUNGMANN, Max Plank Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, DE

Session 2 - The inner life of the cell 
More and more scientists are jumping into single-cell analysis, which spans classical cell biology, developmental biology, genomics and computational biology. As the technologies to study single cells expand, they will require sophisticated analytical tools to get the data and make sense of results. Without doubt, single-cell analysis will open new vistas for scientists to explore.

15:10-15:25   Selected talk: "ScarTrace: CRISPR/Cas9-mediated clonal tracing in zebrafish
                      embryonic development and regeneration"

                      Anna ALEMANY, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, NL

15:25-15:40  Selected talk: "Decoding the functional genomics of atrial fibrillation"
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares,
                      Madrid, ES

15:40-15:55  Selected talk: "Vascular requirement on sensory neurons development"
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, ES

15:55-16:30  Poster session Café

16:30-16:45   Selected talk: "Mitochondria in Dormant Oocytes: Sleeping or Expecting?"
Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, ES

16:45-17:20   "Meiotic kinetochores consist of domains that dissociate in ageing eggs"
                       Melina SCHUH, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, DE

17:20-18:15   “Big Van” Show talk

18:15              Chat & Tapas

Friday, 28 September

Session 3 - Genome and organoid engineering
Organoids – the 3D self-organizing structures produced in vitro from pluripotent or somatic stem cells that show realistic micro-anatomy – can recapitulate many aspects of structural organization and functionality of their in vivo organ counterparts, thus holding great promise for biomedical research and translational applications. Importantly, faithful recapitulation of disease and development processes relies on the ability to modify the genomic contents in organoid cells. The revolutionary genome engineering technologies, including CRISPR/Cas9, is enabling investigators to generate various reporter cell lines at a fast pace for screening disease-associated mutations for disease modeling as well as for validation of specific cell lineages.

09:00-09:40   "Molecular mechanism of CRISPR and structure-based development of genome editing tool towards medical applications"
                       Osamu NUREKI, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, JP

09:40-10:20   e"Systematic deletion analysis of XistRNA reveals an integrated pathway towards X-chromosome inactivation"
                       Jeannie LEE, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

10:20-10:50   Networking café

10:50-11:30   “Building cancer in organoids”
                       Marc Van de WETERING, The Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, Utrecht, NL

11:30-12:10   “Cerebral organoids: modelling human brain development and tumorigenesis in stem cell derived 3D culture"
                       Jürgen KNOBLICH, IMBA – Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, AT

12:10-12:55   Round table: #Bioinformatics: The Big Data storm is here! Are we prepared?

  • Patrick ALOY, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, ES
  • Guillaume FILION, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, ES
  • Cedric NOTREDAME, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, ES

12:55-14:00   Lunch & Poster Session

Session 4 - Building and understanding complex systems
Synthetic biology, the convergence of advances in chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering, is a biology-based “toolkit” that uses abstraction, standardization, and automated construction to change how we build biological systems and expand the range of possible products. Its breakthroughs will speed the development of biologically engineered solutions to pressing global problems related to health, materials, energy, environment, and security.

14:00-14:40   "Designing Biology for Health and the Environment"
                       Pamela SILVER, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

14:40-14:55   Selected talk: "Interaction predictions enable a global view of the human
                       protein-RNA interactome and its involvement in genetic disorders"
Benjamin LANG, 
Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, ES

14:55-15:35   "Synthetic Virology: Reprogramming viruses into controllable nanodevices"
                       Junghae SUH, Department of Bioengineering, Rice University, Texas, US

15:35-16:00   Coffee break

16:00-16:15   Selected talk: "Unravelling the hidden unvierse of small proteins in bacterial
EMBL/CRG Systems Biology Research Unit,
                       Barcelona, ES

16.15-16:50   "Engineering new functions with consideration of the host cell"
                       Tom ELLIS, Imperial College of London, UK

16:50-17:30   "Phase separation in cells and its implications for organization of cellular biochemistry"
                       Anthony HYMAN, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology & Genetics, Dresden, DE

17:30             Prize to the best Oral talk & Poster

17:40             Closing remarks by the organizers