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2nd CRG Awards for Training Technicians

2nd CRG Awards for Training Technicians2nd CRG Awards for Training Technicians

30/04/2017 to 01/05/2017

2nd CRG Awards for Training Technicians

The CRG is committed to strengthen and promote high-quality training for technicians. This call aims to provide the CRG and CNAG technicians with additional opportunities to undertake training in the form of courses or workshops that are essential to their professional development and are not available within the CRG and/or PRBB Intervals training portfolio.

Call text:

The CRG Awards for Training Technicians are to cover the costs of external training for technicians employed by the CRG that is of high relevance to their professional career. External training refers to structured training courses, workshops or e-learning courses on specific scientific/technical topics or complementary skills, offered by any recognized training institution, excluding the CRG and the PRBB. The principal objective of the funded training opportunity must be to develop or improve professional skills of a technician and it must be relevant to carrying-out their present or future work and have impact on their career development. 


Laboratory and Core Facilities technicians employed by the CRG and CNAG-CRG are eligible to apply.


Three grants up to 1.000€ each (covering the trip, accommodation and course fees) are available. A breakdown budget should be included in the proposal.

Deadline and Submission:

The deadline for submitting proposals is the 1st May 2017. Proposal have to be submitted online through this form:

The applicants must apply for a specific training opportunity, which takes place in year 2017. The retrospective applications (for expenditure already incurred on training courses) will not be considered (please note that the following, 3rd call for Technician’s awards will be launched in early November 2017 where the candidates will be able to apply for the training activities taking place in 2018).

Indicative timetable:

Selection and final decision about funded projects will be taken in early May 2017.


Proposals will be evaluated by a committee, formed by Michela Bertero, Head of International and Scientific Affairs; Monica Morales, Head of Core Facilities; Monica Bayes, CNAG Administrator and Programme Manager, and Maria Paula Pifarre, as representative of technicians. e. Evaluators will be required to state any potential conflict of interest.

The committee will evaluate:

  1. The value of the training opportunity to the technicians’ present work and career development;
  2. The CV of the applicant;
  3. The motivation of the applicant

Applicants who were successful in obtaining the grant in previous call are encouraged to apply, however if the same number of points will be given to two candidates, the candidate who has not obtained the award yet will be given a priority.


The successful applicants will be required to write a short report on the value and key learnings from the funded course. Depending on the content of the training activity, the successful applicants will be requested to develop potential training activity at the CRG from the visited course to transfer learnt knowledge and skills.

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