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From Science to Business - BIST/ESADE Business School

From Science to Business - BIST/ESADE Business SchoolFrom Science to Business - BIST/ESADE Business School

30/05/2017 to 01/06/2017

From Science to Business - BIST/ESADE Business School

ESADE Business School, Pedralbes Campus

Today’s global economy and business are facing a tremendous challenge: how to transform research, the money invested and the resources provided to laboratories and scientific parks into new innovations to create new products and services that can lead to the improvement of the life of individuals and society as a whole. One of the main barriers encountered is the “distance” between researchers and the business world. This distance is not usually physical, it is simply a lack of knowledge on both sides. Minimizing this distance would, without a doubt, improve the returns to society on the money invested in R&D. The participation of the scientist behind the invention and/or the researchers who decide to pursue a professional career in developing new businesses will significantly increase the odds of a successful new company.

This program is aimed at researchers, senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows and last year doctoral students as well. It is also addressed to managers in charge of research labs, scientific parks, innovation or R&D departments, and for decision makers in regional policy. This course aims to increase the speed of turning innovation and knowledge into new ventures.

Aim of the course:

This course aims to increase the speed of turning innovation and knowledge into new ventures. The course is designed for groups of approximately 20-25 people to ensure optimal participation, learning and faculty-to-participant ratio.

Objectives of the course:

  • To get acquainted with the business world, and to show how companies create value to society and for themselves: providing more, better and healthier food, a cleaner, healthier and more safety environment, a longer and better quality of life, wealth, etc.
  • To provide a framework to understand how companies work and how they create value in a competitive environment.
  • To help to understand the new venture creation process and the role that science/technology plays in it.
  • To show that new venture creation needs scientists and engineers, and that entrepreneurship can be an attractive career path for them.


Tuesday, 30 May 2017          9:00 -18.30
Wednesday, 31 May 2017     9:00 -18.30
Thursday, 1 June 2017           9:00 -18.30
(A networking event will be organized on the 29 May 2017 at 5pm at the IRB)

Target audience:

Course is aimed at researchers, senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students as well.

A limited number of spaces are available for researchers at each BIST institute.

Only online registration is accepted

Registration Closes: 28th April 2017

Participants will be communicated in the first week of May 2017 if they have been selected for the course.

Registration fee (for selected participants): 50€ - to be reimbursed upon completion of the course

ESADE Business School, Pedralbes Campus
Avd. Esplugues 92-96
08034 Barcelona

CRG Training Unit
CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation