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Courses@CRG : Advanced Proteomics Course

Courses@CRG : Advanced Proteomics Course Courses@CRG : Advanced Proteomics Course

27/06/2016 to 01/07/2016

Courses@CRG : Advanced Proteomics Course

Courses@CRG : Advanced Proteomics Course     

The “Courses@CRG: Advanced proteomics course” targets international postdocs and students and aims to provide an extensive update on the most advanced proteomics techniques and applications. The target audience includes PhD students and post-docs with some prior knowledge in mass spectrometry who think proteomics can have an impact on their own research projects. The course combines lectures with hands-on sessions in the laboratory and computational practicals to consolidate the concepts introduced during the theoretical sessions.

Main goals
At the end of the course participants should be familiar with the following topics:

Principles of mass spectrometry
Types of instrumentation
Interpretation of spectra and results
Methods for sample preparation
Mass spectrometry experimental design
Quantitative proteomics
Targeted proteomics
Statistical and bioinformatics tools
Current trends in proteomics

Eva Borrás, CRG-UPF, Spain                      
Cristina Chiva, CRG-UPF, Spain
Eduard Sabidó, CRG-UPF, Spain

Speakers & Instructors:
Martí Bernardo, CRAG, Spain
Juergen Cox, Max Planck Institute, Germany
Daniel Hornburg, Max Planck Institute, Germany
Judit Villén, U Washington, USA
Eva Borrás, CRG-UPF, Spain                      
Cristina Chiva, CRG-UPF, Spain
Eduard Sabidó, CRG-UPF, Spain

Registration :
Only online registration is accepted
Number of participants : max. 16
Registration fee: 400€

Registration fee includes participation in workshop, all necessary tools to follow the course, didactic material, coffee breaks and lunches.
Worldwide participants will be selected according to their CV and Motivation Letter submitted.

EuPA travel grants:      
EuPA is supporting with travel grants the active participation of scientists from Europe (outside Spain) to the Course@CRG Advanced Proteomics Course

Selection Criteria
. The applicant has to be from all over Europe (except Spain)
. Applicants do not need to apply separately for travel grants for this course. Selection of awardees is handled directly by the organizer who will notify all eligible participants

6 travel grants up to €500 each are available. Travel receipts will be asked in order to justify the requested amounts.

Registration deadline extended: 13th May 2016

CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona (Spain)
How to get to the CRG ?

Sharon Bel
CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation
Phone + 34 93 316 0375

Supported by:
We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness,
"Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017", SEV 2012-0208.