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COURSES@CRG: iCLIP and Ribosome Profiling

COURSES@CRG: iCLIP and Ribosome ProfilingCOURSES@CRG: iCLIP and Ribosome Profiling

07/03/2016 to 19/03/2016

COURSES@CRG: iCLIP and Ribosome Profiling

Institute Curie (Paris) and CRG (Barcelona)

General description of the course
This course is a joint initiative between the Institut Curie (Paris) and the CRG (Barcelona).

It is divided in two parts: Theoretical and Practicals (participants can apply to one or both options).


The theoretical part will take place in Orsay (near Paris), from March 7th to March 11th, 2016 . It will deal with post-transcriptional gene regulation. This course will provide an overview of post-transcriptional gene regulations (splicing, polyadenylation, methylation, stability and translation of (pre-) messenger RNAs). It will cover molecular mechanisms, genome-wide analyses and implications in cancer (session “RNA towards the clinic”).


Giuseppe Biamonti – Pavia, IT
Maria Carmo-Fonseca – Lisboa, PT
Eduardo Eyras – Barcelona, SP
Utz Fischer – Wuerzburg, DE
Torben Heik Jensen – Aarhus, DK
Jørgen Kjems – Aarhus, DK
David Lilley – Dundee, UK
Raul Mendez – Barcelona, SP
Oliver Mühlemann – Bern, CH
Théophile Ohlmann – Lyon, FR
Gideon Rechavi – Tel Aviv, IL
Georg Stoecklin – Heidelberg, DE
Štěpánka Vaňáčová– Brno, CZ

Focus Sessions

"RNA Towards the Clinic"

Sven Danckwardt – Mainz, DE
Nicole Meisner-Kober – Basel, CH
Adrian Schwarzer – Hannover, DE


Marie-Claire Daugeron – GIF, FR
Martin Dutertre – Orsay, FR
Stéphan Vagner – Orsay, FR

For more information about the course please visit the following webpage:


The practical part will take place in Barcelona, from March 13th to March 19th, 2016. It will deal with both iCLIP and Ribosome Profiling techniques.
Participants will be taught and able to perform two of the most technically challenging experiments: iCLIP and Ribosome Profiling. The iCLIP technique is generally used to define, at nucleotide resolution, the Protein/RNA binding sites in vivo, whereas, the Ribosome profiling method provides a detailed approach to studying the mechanics of translation and co-translational processes in vivo. Both techniques have been used to understand the molecular roles of RNA Binding Proteins in development, cancer and several other diseases. Participants will receive personalized instruction that will enable them to master those techniques. The course is targeted to junior researchers who will be selected worldwide on the basis of their CV and motivation letter.

Speakers & Instructors

Elias Bechara – Barcelona, SP
Fatima Gebauer – Barcelona, SP
Michaela Müller-McNicoll – Frankfurt, DE
Maria Paola Paronetto – Rome, IT
Chris Sibley – London, UK
Laurence Wurth – Barcelona, SP

Focus Sessions

« iCLIP and Ribosome Profiling from A to Z »


Elias Bechara – Barcelona, SP
Juan Valcárcel – Barcelona, SP


The course organizers considerably kept a reasonable gender and regional balance at both invited speakers and instructors’ levels. The participant selection process will be transparent and take into account gender balance.

Theoretical Part (Orsay)
The number of participants is limited to 40.
Registration fees (Theoretical part in Orsay): free (includes all the necessary tools to follow the course, didactic material, coffee breaks, lunches and career development event).

Practical Part (Barcelona)
The number of participants for practical session is limited to 18.
Registration fees (Practical part in Barcelona): 500 euros (includes participation in workshop, all the necessary tools to follow the course, didactic material, coffee breaks, lunches and a welcome dinner).
Registration is open untill JANUARY 31st. Applicants can register for either or both options. Selected participants will be sent an email and asked to reconfirm their attendance no later than February 15th. They will also be asked to pay the registration fees (in case of applying for the practicals part).

Few travel grants will be offered. 

CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
T: +34 93 316 0375
training at crg dot eu

Supported by:
We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, ‘Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2013-2017’, SEV-2012-0208.