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COURSES@CRG: Introduction to C.elegans

COURSES@CRG: Introduction to C.elegansCOURSES@CRG: Introduction to C.elegans

13/09/2015 to 19/09/2015

COURSES@CRG: Introduction to C.elegans

CRG, Barcelona


Ben Lehner, CRG*
Elias Bechara, CRG*
Julian Ceron Madrigal, IDIBELL*
Montserrat Porta De la Riva, IDIBELL*
* Barcelona Spain

Description and Goals

C. elegans, one of the most attractive and popular genetic model organism, is used to address questions and advance our understanding of several complex biological processes. The course will provide a general practical introduction to using C. elegans in research. It will cover the pros and cons of using C. elegans compared to other model organisms. The course participants will have hands on experience with popular techniques such as RNAi, genetic crosses, transgenic and GFP reporter strains. Thus, during the course the participants will not only be familiarized with using C. elegans as model organism but also be able to interact and network with experts in the field. The practical part of this course is complemented by lectures given by several internationally renowned C. elegans researchers.

The experiments will include the studies of the life cycle and early development of wild type worms and the phenotypic analysis of mutants. It will cover:

  • Maintenance, decontamination and synchronization of worms
  • ​Growth, development and basic anatomical traits
  • Classical genetic experiments including crosses and mapping experiments
  • Mutagenesis and gene-knockdown experiments using RNAi.
  • Generation of transgenic worms.
  • Molecular and cell biology techniques including single-worm PCR, antibody staining and visualization.
  • Introduction to the most useful web resources and databases for worm scientists.



Andrew Fraser (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
Christian Frøkjær-Jensen (University of Utah, Utah, USA)
Eric Miska (Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK)
Marie Anne Felix (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France)
Sophie Jarriault (IGBMC, Strasbourg, France)



Cristina Hidalgo Carcedo, CRG*
Eric Cornes Maragliano, IDIBELL*
Jennifer Semple, CRG*
Karinna Rubio Peña, IDIBELL*
* Barcelona Spain

Target audience:

This course is targeting junior researchers (Technicians, Masters and PhD students, Postdocs, PIs) with interests in the c.elegans field.


7 days: Starting on Sunday September 13th at 3 pm and finishing on Saturday September 19th at 4 pm.

Number of participants: 12

Registration fee: 500 Euros for academic researchers, 1000 Euros for industry (includes participation in workshop, all the necessary tools to follow the course, didactic material, coffee breaks, and lunches). There will be two travel grants (waving the registration fees). 

Registration Opens: 28th April 2015

Registration Closes: 5th July 2015

Selected Participants are communicated: 9th July 2015 and will have to confirm before 15th July.

Payment has to be done before 31st July 2015


 Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona

How to get to the CRG?


Eva Navarrete
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona

training at crg dot eu