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Courses@CRG: Library preparation for next generation sequencing

Courses@CRG: Library preparation for next generation sequencingCourses@CRG: Library preparation for next generation sequencing

02/02/2015 to 06/02/2015

Courses@CRG: Library preparation for next generation sequencing

CRG, Barcelona

This course will focus on the preparation of next generation sequencing library preparation for sequencing on the Illumina platform. Aside from library preparation for standard genomic sequencing and for directional mRNA seq, this course will teach advanced methods for the preparation of libraries from very small quantities of starting material. In particular, the course schedule will include teaching smart seq, a protocol for sequencing the transcriptomes of single cells and MALBAC, designed to sequence single cell genomes. In addition, Chip seq libraries will be prepared, and a general overview to sequencing data quality control will be provided. The course will cover all theoretical and practical aspects of these technologies and will be taught by experienced instructors who use these protocols on a daily basis.
Organizer: Heinz Himmelbauer, CRG Barcelona
CRG Instructors:

  • Anna Ferrer, CRG, Barcelona
  • Magda Montfort, CRG, Barcelona
  • Nuria Andreu, CRG, Barcelona
  • Irene Gonzalez, CRG, Barcelona
  • Kathrin Meindl, CRG, Barcelona

The number of participants is limited to 12. Participants should have experience with basic lab methods. Computing experience is not required.
General registration fee: 300 EUR (includes participation in workshop, all the necessary tools to follow the course, didactic material, coffee breaks, and lunches).
Registration deadline was December 8th and is now closed.
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
How to get to the CRG?
Eva Navarrete
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
eva dot navarrete at crg dot eu