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CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Cloud computing: democratization of high-throughput data analysis”

CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Cloud computing: democratization of high-throughput data analysis”CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Cloud computing: democratization of high-throughput data analysis”


CRG Core Facilities Technology Symposium: “Cloud computing: democratization of high-throughput data analysis”

Barcelona, Spain
Organised by: Bioinformatics Unit
Symposium Overview:
During the last few years we have seen an unprecedented flood of data generated as a result of the advances in different fields such as genomics, proteomics, personalized medicine and computer imaging. Nowadays, even relatively small labs have the capacity of sequencing entire genomes in a matter of hours and have the ability to generate massive amounts of data in a reduced timeframe. This increase in the data production capacity inevitably requires an adequate computing infrastructure that would imply an important investment to purchase a substantial scientific computing cluster, a sophisticated software enabling parallel computing and the necessity of a dedicated team of experts to manage this computing environment. These are limiting factors and restrict the ability of small labs without the institutional resources needed to setup the appropriate computing infrastructure to analyze the data gathered.
Nowadays, an increasingly more popular and affordable alternative is the use of cloud computing to purchase computing capacity on-demand. Users of this technology are not concerned with the underlying technologies used to achieve the increase in the computing power, and one is capable of just creating a virtual instance with the preferred operative system installed, the desired number of cores, RAM memory and virtually unlimited storage capabilities. These hardware specifications are configured by the user before starting a specific analysis and will meet the requirements of the project. In this sense, the cloud user will pay only for what is going to be the actual use of computing capacity, rather than investing in fixed capital.
In this symposium we will discuss about the possibilities of cloud computing as a viable economical alternative technology for the integration and analysis of large volumes of data. We will also present some examples of software applications for high-throughput data analysis developed specifically for the cloud.
Confirmed speakers:
Jesus ARTECHE, IBM SmartCloud South Europe
Ivona BRANDIĆ, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna AT
Konstantinos KRAMPIS, J.Craig Venter Institute, Rockville (MD) US
Ryan SHUTTLEWORTH, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Norwich UK

Dr. Aiguader, 88

08003 Barcelona, Spain

Participation to the symposium is free of charge and open to all PRBB staff as well as external scientists. Resgistration is now closed.
Contact person
CRG - Centre for Genomic Regulation
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain

Tel. +34.93.316.01.45
Fax +34.93.316.00.99
Language: All lectures will be in English.