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21/04/2012 to 24/04/2012


Barcelona, Spain

Organizing Commitee Chair

Roderic Guigó, CRG
Program Commitee Chair
Benny Chor, TAU
RECOMB 2012 will take place in vibrant and beautiful Barcelona from 21 to 24 April 2012. There will be a strong focus on the computational challenges arising from the extraordinary developments in high throughput technologies. Participants will enjoy a full agenda of keynote talks, paper presentations, and poster sessions, with ample opportunities to participate in the city life of Barcelona. The meeting overlaps with Sant Jordi (Saint Georges), on April 23, the patron of Catalonia, and one of the most important civic holidays in the country.

RECOMB 2012 web page:

Second Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Massively Parallel Sequencing (RECOMB-seq): click here for more information. 

RECOMB2012 Confirmed Speakers

The next list include the confirmed speakers, but is not yet definitive. We will update the list with more speakers soon.

Richard DURBIN, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton UK
Eileen FURLONG, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg DE
Thomas GINGERAS, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), Cold Spring Harbor US
Alfonso VALENCIA, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Madrid ES
Ada E. YONATH, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot IL
Key dates:
  • September 13th 2011: Manuscript submission opens
  • October 28th 2011: Paper submission deadline
  • December 5th 2011: Recomb-seq paper submission opens
  • December 9th 2011: Highlights track papers submission opens
  • December 19th 2011: Author notification
  • January 13th 2012: Highlights track papers submission deadline
  • January 16th 2012: Recomb-seq paper submission deadline
  • January 20th 2012: Final version due (JCB and proceedings) 
  • January 27th 2012: Highlights track papers acceptance notification
  • January 31st 2012: Early Registration deadline. Click here to register.
  • February 6th 2012: Recomb-seq author notification
  • February 7th 2012: Poster submission opens
  • February 10th 2012: Recomb-seq early registration deadline. Click here to register.
  • February 20th 2012: Recomb-seq final version due
  • February 29th 2012: Highlights track final version (abstracts) due
  • March 1st 2012: Poster submission deadline
  • March 8th 2012: Poster acceptance notification
  • RECOMB-seq: April 19-20, 2012
  • RECOMB2012 Conference: April 21-24, 2012

Download all the key dates: xml, ical or html.

Venue RECOMB2012
Barcelona Fira Palace
Avinguda Rius i Taulet 1-3,
08004 Barcelona location map
Please note you will be able to reserve accommodation in this hotel (and others nearby) at discount rates during registration.

RECOMB is a well-established scientific conference bridging the computational, mathematical, and biological sciences. The conference features keynote talks by preeminent scientists in the life sciences, together with presentations of refereed research papers in computational biology.

The conference series aims at attracting research contributions in all areas of computational molecular biology, including: molecular sequence analysis; recognition of genes and regulatory elements; molecular evolution; protein structure; structural genomics; analysis of gene expression; biological networks; sequencing and genotyping technologies; drug design; probabilistic and combinatorial algorithms; systems biology; computational proteomics; structural and functional genomics; information systems for computational biology and imaging.

The origins of the conference are in the mathematical and computational side of the field, and there remains a certain focus on computational advances. However, the effective applications of computational techniques to achieve biological innovation remains a central aspect of the conference.

The RECOMB Conference Series was founded in 1997 to provide a scientific forum for theoretical advances in computational biology and their applications in molecular biology and medicine. Previous RECOMB conferentes were held at:

RECOMB 2011 Vancouver, Canada
RECOMB 2010 Lisbon, Portugal
RECOMB 2009 Tucson, AZ, USA
RECOMB 2008 Singapore
RECOMB 2007 San Francisco, CA, USA
RECOMB 2006 Venice, Italy
RECOMB 2005 Cambridge, MA, USA
RECOMB 2004 San Diego, California, USA
RECOMB 2003 Berlin, Germany
RECOMB 2002 Washington, DC, USA
RECOMB 2001 Montreal, Canada
RECOMB 2000 Tokyo, Japan
RECOMB 1999 Lyon, France
RECOMB 1998 New York, NY, USA
RECOMB 1997 Santa Fe, NM, USA

Click here for more information about RECOMB: