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SmS-CRG Scientific Coffee: Are you taking care of your heart?

SmS-CRG Scientific Coffee: Are you taking care of your heart?SmS-CRG Scientific Coffee: Are you taking care of your heart?


SmS-CRG Scientific Coffee: Are you taking care of your heart?

08001- Barcelona


How could you recognize a cardiovascular risk? Do cardiovascular diseases have a genetic background? Smoking, dieting, the environment… do they influence your heart's health?

Top scientists working on different areas related to cardiovascular diseases will answer these and other questions. An open debate with the following speakers:

  • Mª Isabel Covas. Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition. Institut de Recerca Hospital del Mar (IMIM).
  • Jaume Marrugat. Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Disorders. Institut de Recerca Hospital del Mar (IMIM).
  • Teresa Padró. Proteomics and biomarkers related to cardiovascular disease. Institut Català de Ciències Cardiovasculars (ICCC).

Date: Tuesday, February 8
Time: 7 pm.
Place: Carmelitas, Carrer Doctor Dou, 1 - 08001 Barcelona