2nd Barcelona Cell & Developmental Biology Meeting

2nd Barcelona Cell & Developmental Biology Meeting
Barcelona, Spain
16:00 - 16:05 h Welcome by Hernán López-Schier
16:05 - 16:50 h Marco Milán (ICREA and IRB Barcelona)
"Micro-RNAs and growth control"
16:50 - 17:35 h Vivek Malhotra (ICREA and CRG)
"Mechanism of intracellular protein sorting"
17:35 - 18:15 h Break
18:15 - 19:00 h Louis Gervais (IRB Barcelona)
"In vivo cell elongation and lumen formation in a single cell"
Organisers: Hernán López-Schier, CRG / Vivek Malhotra, CRG / Marco Milán, IRB Barcelona