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Targeted proteomics: Experimental design and data analysis 2022

Targeted proteomics: Experimental design and data analysis 2022Targeted proteomics: Experimental design and data analysis 2022

14/11/2022 to 18/11/2022

Targeted proteomics: Experimental design and data analysis 2022

About the Practical Course 

Different targeted proteomics strategies have recently emerged in the field of proteomics that enable the detection and quantification of a predetermined subset of proteins with a high degree of sensitivity and reproducibility across many samples. This EMBO Practical Course aims to fill in the gap between theory and the actual implementation of the targeted proteomics workflow, so that by the end of the week the students have the necessary know-how to implement the targeted proteomics workflows in their own research laboratories. The course will offer a daily keynote talk by a high-profile speaker introducing the topic of the day with examples of his/her own research, followed by "Practical demonstrations" (20%), and "Practical work and exercises" (40%) that will cover the complete workflow for experimental design and data analysis of targeted proteomics assays (i.e. targeted method design, optimization of instrument settings, manual and automated quantitative analysis, and statistical analysis of the data). Moreover, these sessions will be followed by "Poster Sessions" (10%) and "Social Events" to introduce informal discussion tables to adapt the technology to each participant's particular interests.  


  • Eduard Sabidó, Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG)/UPF Proteomics Unit, Spain
  • Michael MacCoss, University of Washington, USA


  • Brendan MacLean, University of Washington, US
  • Maarten Altelaar, University Utrecht, NL
  • Sven Degroeve, CompOmics, Ghent University, BE
  • Vadim Demichev, Charité Universität Medizin Berlin, DE
  • Ana Martinez, University of Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, DK
  • Markus Ralser, The Francis Crick institute, London, UK
  • Lauren Stopfer, BioNTech, US
  • Cristina Chiva, Center for Genomic Regulation/UPF Proteomics Unit, ES
  • Eduard Sabido, Center for Genomic Regulation/UPF Proteomics Unit, ES
  • Eva Borras, Center for Genomic Regulation/UPF Proteomics Unit, ES
  • Guadalupe Espadas, Center for Genomic Regulation/UPF Proteomics Unit, ES
  • Lukas Reiter, Biognosys, CH
  • Michael MacCoss, University of Washington, USA


Registration fee: Academic 550€ / Industry: 1300€

  • Registration deadline - 24 June 2022
  • Abstract submission deadline - 24 June 2022
  • Chosen participants will be notified by - 10 July 2022
  • Payment deadline - 24 July 2022                                                                                            

Registration includes:

  • Participation in all course sessions
  • Course materials
  • Accommodation
  • Lunches, some dinners and coffee breaks 
  • Welcome dinner
  • Social Activity

More information and registration: HERE


CRG Training  and Academic Office - TAO
Phone: +34933160375