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From Science to Business-BIST/ESADE Business School

From Science to Business-BIST/ESADE Business SchoolFrom Science to Business-BIST/ESADE Business School

28/05/2019 to 04/06/2019

From Science to Business-BIST/ESADE Business School

The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and the ESADE Business School launched a course “From Science to Business” with the goal of accelerating the transfer of technologies developed in the BIST research institutes to the marketplace.

Course “From Science to Business” is aimed at scientists who work in the BIST centers  and will take place on the 28 - 29th May and 4th June 2019 at the ESADE Executive Education building, Av. Esplugues 92-96 Barcelona. It aims to increase the speed of turning innovation and knowledge into ventures. It will get researchers acquainted with the business world and provide understanding on how companies work or how is the new venture creation process. Also, the course will show that new venture creation needs scientists and that entrepreneurship can be an attractive career path for them.

Aim of the course:

This course aims to increase the speed of turning innovation and knowledge into new ventures. The course is designed for groups of approximately 25 people to ensure optimal participation, learning and faculty-to-participant ratio.

The course will prepare participants to:

  • Get acquainted with the business world and learn how companies create value for society and for themselves: providing more, better and healthier food, a cleaner, healthier and safer environment, and a longer and better quality of life and wealth.
  • Understand the framework within which companies work and how they create value in a competitive environment.
  • Get a hands-on approach to the new venture creation process, and the role that science/technology plays in it.
  • See that new venture creation needs scientists and engineers, and that entrepreneurship can be an attractive career path.

When: 28 - 29 May and 4th June 2019 (from 9:00 - 18:30)

  • Location: ESADE Executive Education building, Av. Esplugues 92-96, Barcelona

Welcome event will be organized on the May 27th 2019 at 17:00h at BIST (C/ Comte d’ Urgell 187, Recinte Escola Industrial, Building 12 (BIST), 08036 Barcelona)

Target audience: This programme is aimed at researchers, senior researchers, postdoctoral fellows and last year doctoral students as well.

From the CRG max 4 candidates will be selected for this course.

Registration Closes: 19th May 2019

Participants will be informed on the 20th of May 2019, if they have been selected for the course.

Registration fee (for selected participants): The course is free, however 50€ of deposit is mandatory and will be reimbursed upon completion of the course.

For more information contact:

CRG Training Unit

CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation
