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Utilise Outlook's advanced features effectively. 
- Learn how to use polls and best practices for scheduling without third-party tools. 
- Automate emails for better efficiency. 
- Schedule meetings and check availability within the organisation. 
Topics that are going to be addressed:
1. Introduction to Outlook (20 min) 
- Basic navigation and interface overview. 
- Customising the Outlook layout. 

2. Using Polls and Best Practices (40 min) 
- Creating polls within Outlook. 
- Integrating polls in emails. 
- Best practices for scheduling (using Outlook instead of third-party tools like Doodle). 

3. Automating Emails (20 min) 
- Creating email templates. 
- Setting up automatic replies and signatures. 
- Using rules for email automation. 

4. Scheduling Meetings (40 min) 
- Using the calendar to schedule meetings. 
- Checking availability of colleagues. 
- Setting up recurring meetings. 
- Integrating Microsoft Teams meetings. 

5. Email Composition Best Practices (separate internal training) 
- Writing concise and clear emails. 
- Effective use of subject lines, bullet points, and formatting. 

Instructional Strategy
- Step-by-Step Guides: Walkthroughs of using Outlook features. 
- Practice Exercises: Participants create and schedule meetings, polls. 
- Interactive Demos: Real-time demonstrations on automating emails. 
- Discussion: Share best practices and common challenges. 

Dates and hour: 23rd October 2024 (9:30-11:30h)
Instructor: Richard Butler, Pitagora Group
Location: Online
Maximum number of participants: 30
Application deadline: 14th October 2024

Registration HERE

Training financiado por Ayuda:CEX2020-001049-S financiada por MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033