Introduction to Nextflow 2024

Introduction to Nextflow 2024
The aim of this course is to give a general overview on Nextflow, focusing on the execution, configuration and deployment of local and publicly available pipelines.
Topics that are going to be addressed:
- Understand Nextflow’s basic concepts
- Execute local and publicly available pipelines
- Understand, write and modify pipeline configuration files
- Know some of the possible pipeline deployment scenarios
What NOT to expect:
- Learn about Linux command line or Bash shell. Participants should be already familiar with these concepts
- Writing Nextflow pipelines. This topic will be part of a following advanced course.
Day 1 - First steps with Nextflow
1. Introduction
2. Basic concepts: processes and channels
3. Running pipelines
Day 2 - Configuration and execution
1. Configuration files and scopes
2. Software dependencies
3. Executors and profiles
Instructors: Emilio Palumbo, José Espinosa & Luca Cozzuto
Dates: 11th and 12th March (10:30 -13:30)
Location: Bioinformatics room (CRG Training centre) - Presential
Maximum number of participants: 16
Registration deadline: 25th Feb 2024
Registration HERE
For any information, please send an email to CRG Training and Academic office (TAO):
Training financiado por Ayuda:CEX2020-001049-S financiada por MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033