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Internal Training: BASICS OF BIOLOGY 2019

Internal Training: BASICS OF BIOLOGY 2019Internal Training: BASICS OF BIOLOGY 2019

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11/01/2019 to 15/03/2019

Internal Training: BASICS OF BIOLOGY 2019

Teachers: Elvan Boke, Isabelle Vernos,Mara Dierssen, Damjana Kastelic, Verena Ruprecht, Fátima Gebauer, Guillermo Vicent, Claudia Vivori & Elías Bechara
Duration: Face to face classes - 10 interactive sessions Fridays 9:30-11:00
Location: CRG Training Center
Start date: 11th January 2019
End Date: 15th March 2019
Maximum nº students: 20
Date Lesson title Teachers
11/01/2019 Introduction Fátima Gebauer, Mara Dierssen & Training Unit
18/01/2019 L1: Introduction to Cell Biology: the Cell and its organelles Elvan Boke
25/01/2019 L2: Cell Division Isabelle Vernos
01/02/2019 L3: Cell-to-cell communication Mara DIerssen
08/02/2019 L4: Nanobodies and immunotherapy Damjana Kastelic
15/02/2019 L5: Immuno assays used in the lab Damjana Kastelic
22/02/2019 L6: Cell mechanics and motility Verena Ruprecht
01/03/2019 L7: Chromatin and epigenetics: ChIP-Sep Guillermo Vicent
08/03/2019 L8: Transcription and splicing: RNA-Seq Claudia Vivori
15/03/2019 L9: Translation: Ribosome profiling Elías Bechara & Fátima Gebauer