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Excel III - 250312

Excel III - 250312Excel III - 250312


Excel III - 250312

Online (Teams)

The main objective is to provide users with advanced skills and knowledge in Excel, especially those focused on data extraction and processing, taking advantage of all the program's resources to increase efficiency and effectiveness in daily tasks.

Topics that are going to be addressed:

1. Working with data (Advanced)
· Working with tables (advanced)
· Understanding structured reference
· Using structured references in functions
· Advanced filter
2. Data consolidation
· Based on position
· Based on category
· Based on formula
· Using pivot tables 
3. Advanced Pivot tables
· Pivot Tables (review)
· Advanced features and options in Pivot Tables
· Calculated fields 

4. Import/Export data
· Loading data from several sources
· Export data in different file formats
· Create and deal with .csv files
Dates and hour: 12th March 2025 (10:00-13:00h)
Instructor: David Monsó Morera, Pitagora Group
Location: Online
Maximum number of participants: 30
Application deadline: 04th March 2025

Registration HERE

For any information, please send an email to CRG Training and Academic office (TAO):

Training financiado por Ayuda:CEX2020-001049-S financiada por MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033