The essentials for clear figures in scientific publishing 2024

The essentials for clear figures in scientific publishing 2024
Every scientist has to visually communicate scientific data. As figures in scientific manuscripts, slides in conference talks, posters and increasingly also as graphical abstracts, interactive visualizations, and in dashboards. Yet, the fundamentals for designing data visualizations for audiences are not part of the core undergraduate and graduate curriculum.
Topics that are going to be addressed:
- Data needs a figure
- How to choose chart types
- How not to lie: ethics and truthfulness in data presentation
- How to increase the legibility by considering graphic design principle
What NOT to expect:
- Managing expectations is crucial; this can prevent disappointments
- Advanced statistics
- Specific programming languages
- Scientific illustrations
Training financiado por Ayuda:CEX2020-001049-S financiada por MCIN/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033

Preliminary program:
9:30-13:00 - From raw data and numbers to figures
- Exploratory versus explanatory data visualization
- Which display type to choose for what kind of data, univariate data
- Display types for multivariate data
- Exercise Choosing a chart type
- Exercise Ethics of data presentation
14:00-18:30 - Designing a good figure & Your own work, applying the principles
- Text arrangements, typography
- Exercise Figure legends, titles and labels.
- The do’s and don’ts of color
- Gestalt principles and good layout
- Group discussion of exercises
- Peer group: apply learned principles to your work
- Exercise Improve your work, send in before/after (One example figure of a WORK-IN-PROGRESS that participants want to further develop)
Instructor: Dr. Helena Jambor
Date: 25th April 2024 (9:30-18:30h)
Location: Online
Registration deadline: 15th April 2024
Registration HERE
For any information, please send an email to CRG Training and Academic office (TAO):