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EMBO Practical Course: The 2019 whole-cell modeling summer school

EMBO Practical Course: The 2019 whole-cell modeling summer schoolEMBO Practical Course: The 2019 whole-cell modeling summer school

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07/04/2019 to 13/04/2019

EMBO Practical Course: The 2019 whole-cell modeling summer school

Whole-cell models that predict phenotype from genotype by representing all of the biochemical activity inside cells are needed to advance biology, bioengineering, and medicine. Achieving whole-cell models will require a strong community of modelers, experimentalists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and software engineers. The EMBO Practical Course on Whole-Cell Modeling will teach students the fundamentals of whole-cell modeling and provide them opportunities to network with other promising whole-cell modelers. The school will be held April 7–13, 2019 at the Center for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain. The course will consist of two introductory lectures, tutorials on the fundamentals of whole-cell modeling, group discussions about the future of whole-cell modeling, two keynote talks, and two networking activities. The tutorials will teach the students how to aggregate and integrate data for modeling, build large models by combining smaller models, use rules to represent models, simulate hybrid models, and experimentally validate models, as well as teach the students critical software engineering skills. Each tutorial will include a brief lecture followed by hands-on exercises in which the students will work in small groups with guidance from an instructor to build, simulate, and test toy models.


  • Jonathan Karr, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Siani, New York, USA
  • Maria Lluch Senar, Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain


  • Luis Serrano, Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain
  • Damjana Kastelic, Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain


  • Veronica Llorens-Rico,VIB, Leuven, Belgium
  • Maria Lluch-Senar, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain
  • Samuel Miravet-Verde, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain
  • Maria Rodríguez, IBM, Switzerland
  • John Sekar, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA
  • Luis Serrano, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain
  • Marie Trussart, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia
  • Marc Weber, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain

To see full programme of the course click HERE.


Registration fee: Academic 500€ / Industry: 1.000€

Registration deadline 13th January 2019
Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By 18th January 2019
Payment deadline 31st January 2019

Registration fee includes:

  • Participation in all course sessions
  • Course materials
  • Accommodation (shared double room)
  • Lunches, coffee breaks and social events
  • Welcome dinner

To register HERE


Selected participants will receive an email with instructions by 10 December 2018.

Selection criteria

The course is limited to 20 participants. Participants will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance of their scientific goals to the course,
  • Their educational and networking goals for the course, and
  • Their prior experience and knowledge of cell biology and cell modeling.

The application will consist of the following information:

  • A brief description of the applicant’s scientific background and research interests (max. 2000 characters including spaces) include your relevant skills, experience and qualifications, which show that you would be suitable for the practical course.
  • A brief description of the applicant’s motivation for participating in the course including what they can contribute to the course and how they will benefit from the course.
  • An abstract of a poster that the applicant will present at the course.
  • The applicant's CV

Selected participants will be contacted by e-mail by December 10th, 2018 (Only complete applications will be considered).

Abstract guidelines

As part of the course application, applicants must submit an abstract for a poster that they will present at the course (maximum 1,500 characters, including spaces).

Poster specifications

Each participant will be provided with a A0 poster board to display their poster.

The poster board surface area is approximately 90 cm wide and 120 cm high.

Posters should be printed on thin poster paper. Participants will be provided velcro tabs and pins to adhere their poster to the board.

Travel grants

A limited number of travel grants are available for participants. Applicants do not need to apply separately for travel grants for this event but should indicate on the registration form if they wish to be considered for a travel grant. Selection of awardees is handled directly by the organizer who will notify all eligible participants. More information is available at EMBO Travel Grants' page.

Child care grant

EMBO Courses and Workshops offers grants to offset additional child care costs incurred by participants or speakers when participating at any EMBO Courses and Workshop funded meeting. Eligible costs include fees for a caregiver or child-care facility, travel costs for a caregiver, or travel costs for taking the child to the meeting etc. Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like to be considered for the grant. Please also describe how you intend to use the child care grant and specify the sum that you will need.

Additional Information

Participants will be provided accommodation in double shared rooms with other participants in the course (the organizers will prepare the rooming list based on gender).


CRG Training Unit
Phone: +34933160375