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CRG Biobusiness School 2024

CRG Biobusiness School 2024CRG Biobusiness School 2024

01/07/2024 to 05/07/2024

CRG Biobusiness School 2024

The CRG BioBusiness School (BBS) is a highly interactive, activity-driven learning process that takes scientists through a concentrated entrepreneurial immersion experience; aiming to instil an entrepreneurial mindset and to ignite the ability to convert lab-ideas into business ones.


The core of the program takes participants through the venture building process in small groups of participants; supported by exchanges with entrepreneurs and business experts, culminating in a pitch event. This online interactive workshop provides valuable resources such as business templates, educational material, and a communication channel to capture and maximize the inputs and outputs of the training.

Participants benefits

You will benefit from building an entrepreneurial skillset that will give you the capacity and confidence to pinpoint the added commercial value of your research, as well as to envision the creation of your own business. Independently of pursuance of the entrepreneurial path, the competencies acquired throughout the course will confer participants with an advantage in the job market as these are greatly sought by corporates, NGOs and the public sector. The online format of the program widens the networking opportunities with national and international fellows, allowing you to establish bonds with other participants and invited speakers. Besides work, there will also be fun activities to keep the group stimulated and engaged.

Expectation from participants

The CRG BioBusiness School is a rewarding, exciting and intense program. We expect attendees to be fully engaged throughout the course, which includes 1 to 1,5 hours of homework in the evenings. You will be working in groups, and so your commitment will be not only to yourself, but also to your fellow group members.

The workshop will be highly interactive, employing methodologies such as, small group activities, plenary discussions, teaching dialogues, and project pitching training supported by Mashauri learning platform.

General Information

Target audience: The workshop is tailored for researchers and management personnel working in life sciences.
Dates: 1st to 5th July 2024 (9:00 - 4:30pm CET)
Number of participants: 24
Format: Online via Zoom
250 euros (+21%VAT) for academia
500 euros (+21%VAT) for industry
Registration form: HERE -CLOSED!
Application deadline: 12th of May 2024

The applicants will be informed by May if they have been accepted to the course.

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Miquel Vila-Perelló Splicebio CEO Keynote
Héctor Pérez Ability VP How to pitch your venture
Marina Rigau Mimark CEO Speaker: entrepreneur
Daniel Oliver Capital Cell Partner Speaker: investor