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Courses@CRG: Nextflow 2019

Courses@CRG: Nextflow 2019Courses@CRG: Nextflow 2019

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17/09/2019 to 20/09/2019

Courses@CRG: Nextflow 2019

The event bringing together the Nextflow community, big data scientists and cloud experts

Nextflow Training: 17th – 18th September 2019
Nextflow Camp: 19th -20th September 2019

Create. Deploy. Share. Nextflow is a popular workflow management solution that allows scientists and engineers to create data-driven applications which can be effortlessly scaled across clusters and clouds. It simplifies the writing of complex distributed computational workflows in a portable and replicable manner. Nextflow allows the seamless parallelization and deployment of any existing application with minimal development and maintenance overhead, irrespective of the original programming language. Containerisation technologies and inbuilt executors for the most popular cluster systems (SLURM, PBS, UGE, LSF, etc) and cloud infrastructure (AWS Batch & Google Cloud Platform) ensures unrivalled deployment. The built-in support for code repositories provides code sharing for the collaborations that matter most and enable your applications to touch the world. But most of all, the active community of that has formed around Nextflow provides inspirational, best-in-class technical examples from global leaders in workflow deployment as well as lasting relationships in a growing community.

Nextflow Training - 17th and 18th September 2019
The week kicks off with a two-day intensive workshop intended for Nextflow beginners and intermediate users. In these practical sessions, participants learn about Nextflow technology starting from basic through to advanced concepts, with the expectation they will acquire the proficiency to develop and deploy their own workflows. The workshop will be provided across 14 topics including processes, operators, executors, containers and best practices. A GitHub repository will be provided with all the necessary material and software as well as AWS cloud instances for running the deployments in the relevant practical sessions. The audience is expected to have at least some prior basic command line experience.

Nextflow Camp - 19th and 20th September 2019
Nextflow Camp brings together the Nextflow community of developers and users to discuss the state of Nextflow technology, the latest developments and tackle the open questions in a collaborative manner. Each day is split between talks from Nextflow experts and tutorial breakout sessions where participants get a flavour for the possibilities for their own applications.

We hope to see you in Barcelona in September!

Organizers (CRG, Barcelona, Spain)


Paolo Di Tommaso


Evan Floden


Cedric Notredame


Emilio Palumbo

Programme: More details can be found here.

Call for Presentations and Tutorials
We always are looking for new stories about how you are using Nextflow to do big things. We are accepting abstracts for oral presentation and tutorials that illustrate pipelines, innovative use cases, large scale deployments, production usage scenarios or just cool hacks.

The call was closed.


Early bird registration, before 10th May 2019:

  • Training only - academia - 250€*
  • Training only - industry - 400€*
  • Nextflow Camp only - academia - 250€*
  • Nextflow Camp only - industry - 400€*
  • Complete 4 days (Training + Camp) - academia - 400€*
  • Complete 4 days (Training + Camp)  - industry - 600€*

*All prices are without 21%VAT
Registration fee includes participation in the workshop, coffee breaks, lunches and social events.

Registration after 10th May 2019:

  • Training only - academia - 300€*
  • Training only - industry - 480€*
  • Nextflow Camp only - academia - 300€*
  • Nextflow Camp only - industry - 480€*
  • Complete 4 days (Training + Camp) - academia - 480€*
  • Complete 4 days (Training + Camp)  - industry - 720€*

*All prices are without 21%VAT
Registration fee includes participation in the workshop, coffee breaks, lunches and social events.

Register as a participant here. If you apply for the Training, you will be placed on the waiting list as the Training is full at the moment. There are a few more places available for the Camp.

Impressions from last year

Been a fab @nextflowio meeting at @CRGenomica this week. Last year it triggered new collaborations that resulted in @nf_core (plus some cool new nextflow features!).
Leaving Barcelona this time again feeling full of enthusiasm and ideas. The @nextflowio community is great!

— Phil Ewels (@tallphil) November 24, 2018

Thank you to @PaoloDiTommaso, @EvanFloden, Anna, Damjana, @CRGenomica and all the attendees for a great event. I've learnt plenty of new ideas and made many great new friends and connections. I hope to see and/or collaborate with you all again soon!

— Luke Goodsell (@luke_goodsell) November 23, 2018

Social dinners at the @nextflowio workshop are always amazing #nfhack18 #CRGtraining

— alesssia (@_alesssia) November 23, 2018


CRG – Centre for Genomic Regulation
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Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona, Spain
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The PHINDaccess project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 811.034.