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COURSES@CRG: Advanced Proteomics Course for Molecular Biologists and Clinicians

COURSES@CRG: Advanced Proteomics Course for Molecular Biologists and CliniciansCOURSES@CRG: Advanced Proteomics Course for Molecular Biologists and Clinicians

29/06/2015 to 03/07/2015

COURSES@CRG: Advanced Proteomics Course for Molecular Biologists and Clinicians

CRG, Barcelona

The “Advanced proteomics course for molecular biologist and clinicians” targets international postdocs and students and aims to provide an extensive update on the most advanced proteomics techniques and applications. The target audience includes PhD students and post-docs with some prior knowledge in mass spectrometry who think proteomics can have an impact on their own research projects. The course combines lectures with hands-on sessions in the laboratory and computational practicals to consolidate the concepts introduced during the theoretical sessions.

Organizers (CRG-UPF Proteomics unit, Barcelona, Spain)

Eva Borràs 
Cristina Chiva 
Eduard Sabidó


Martin Soste, Biology Department, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Bruno Domon, Luxembourg Clinical Proteomics Center, CRP-Santé, Luxemburg
Christian Kelstrup, Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhage , Copenhagen, Denmark
Marti Bernardo, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK

Instructors (CRG-UPF Proteomics unit, Barcelona, Spain)

Guadalupe Espadas
Ivonne Peña
Cristina Chiva
Eva Borràs
Eduard Sabidó

Main Goals

At the end of the course participants should be familiar with the following topics:

  • Principles of mass spectrometry
  • Types of instrumentation
  • Interpretation of spectra and results
  • Methods for sample preparation
  • Mass spectrometry experimental design
  • Quantitative proteomics
  • Targeted proteomics
  • Statistical and bioinformatic tools
  • Current trends in proteomics

Target audience and number of participants

The course targets international postdocs and PhD students from the molecular biology or clinician fields whose projects involve deep use of proteomics techniques.

Number of participants: 16

Registration fee: 300 Euros (includes participation in workshop, all the necessary tools to follow the course, didactic material, coffee breaks, and lunches).

Registration Opens: 1st March 2015

Registration Closes: 8th May 2015

Selected Participants are communicated: 15th May 2015

Payment has to be done before 15th June 2015


Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
How to get to the CRG?


Eva Navarrete
Dr. Aiguader 88
08003 Barcelona
eva dot navarrete at crg dot eu