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Citizen Science for beginners 2023

Citizen Science for beginners 2023Citizen Science for beginners 2023


Citizen Science for beginners 2023

Charles Darwin room


Do you need a big amount of data for your research project or idea, but you don’t have resources to get it? Or do you have tons of data to be analysed but it would take you ages to get the work done?   

Do you want to widen your research and make it more impactful by engaging a variety of key stakeholders? Do you want your project to gain visibility amongst citizens and to make it more accessible for them? 

Join this workshop and learn how to bring your project to the next level!

Citizen science promises to be a major source of high-quality data and analysis in areas relevant to both scientists and policy-makers. For researchers and their institutions, promoting citizen science is a way to engage society in research and improve the transparency and visibility of science. In this 2-hour interactive workshop, we will cover the basis of citizen science, including aims, benefits, impact, examples, how to design a citizen science project, etc. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss how they might use the citizen science approach, either in their ongoing or new projects. 

This course has been organised in the frame of the TIME4CS project.
The TIME4CS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006201

Instructors: Gitte Kragh & Kristian H. Nielsen

Gitte Kragh is a postdoc at Aarhus University, Denmark, with experience from citizen science projects from four continents. She is particularly interested in the interdisciplinarity required for successful citizen science projects within any discipline, as well as facilitating researchers new to citizen science, enabling them to use citizen science as a methodology within their projects.
Kristian H. Nielsen is an associate professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. He takes an interest in science communication and citizen science. He is leader of WP4 in the TIME4CS project, which aims to build capacities within research performing organizations to engage and support citizen science activities. With Gitte Kragh he is the co-author of the TIME4CS training programs.

Date and time:  8th of May 2023, from 10:00 to 12:00

Where: Charles Darwin (PRBB square)

Target audience:  PRBB community in general (scientists and administration) 

Registration HERE

Registration deadline: 4th May 2023