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Career Development Workshop: Self-analysis and making career choices

Career Development Workshop: Self-analysis and making career choices Career Development Workshop: Self-analysis and making career choices


Career Development Workshop: Self-analysis and making career choices

C/ Comte d’Urgell 187, Building 12/BIST, 08028 Barcelona

This workshop is a useful starting point for those who are considering their next career move. Designed specifically for postdoctoral researchers, the workshop aims at helping raise awareness of your skills, interests and values and to link this information to the process of career decision making. You will have the opportunity to identify your strengths, examine the job market and employer requirements in a range of sectors and formulate a strategy for your own personal and professional development. By the end of the day you should feel more empowered and selfreliant to make decisions relating to your career. The workshop includes a presentation, interactive exercises and self-reflection and is conducted in a confidential learning environment.

When: July 26, 2018 (9:30–17.30)
Where: C/ Comte d’Urgell 187, Building 12/BIST, 08028 Barcelona
For whom is the workshop: Last year PhD students and 1st year postdocs (spaces are limited)
Registration deadline: 16th July 2018
Registration link: HERE
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