Branding for scientists

Branding for scientists
As competition is increasing in all sectors and you need to stand out to be noticed, building a coherent image for yourself and your research is crucial.
In this 2h hands-on workshop, participants will learn how to use branding and marketing tools in their professional communication in order to create the image and message they wish to convey. Focusing on digital branding, examples for scientific presentations on social media will be discussed, showcasing also how non-scientists take advantage of typically science related terms and imagery to brand themselves.
Specific topics that are going to be demonstrated and discussed at the workshop:
- What is a brand, how can it be built and maintained
- How to use branding techniques to your advantage
- Differences between a corporate and personal brand
- How to plan and create a impactful communications (visual and tonal)
- Exercise how to strategically plan a brand communication
Trainer: Carolin Vogler (Creative marketing, eCommerce professional, Fashion researcher, Artist, Maker). Carolin is the CRG artist in residence, in the framework of STARTS residences programme, with her project Inside-Out: Knitted DNA in collaboration with the EU-funded H2020 project ChromDesign, which is coordinated at CRG by Luciano Di Croce.
When: 22nd November 2019 - 10-12pm
Where: CRG training centre
Registration: HERE
Registration deadline: 18th November, max 20 participants