CATCAT Symposium 2022

CATCAT Symposium 2022
Thursday 1st December 2022 - PRBB Auditorium
09-9:15 Welcome by Vivek Malhotra
09:15 - 9:45 Pere Roca-Cusachs (IBEC)
“Transducing and shielding mechanical force from integrins to the nucleus”
09.45 - 10:15 Talya Dayton (EMBL Barcelona)
"Using organoids to study the dynamics of neuroendocrine development and cancer"
10:15 - 10:45 Elvan Böke (CRG)
“Oocytes maintain ROS-free mitochondrial metabolism by suppressing complex I”
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 – 11:45 Albert Pol (IDIBAPS)
"Lipid Droplets and the host-pathogen dynamic: FATal attraction?"
11:45 – 12:15 Oriol Gallego (UPF)
"Towards the structural dynamics that control exocytosis".
12:15 -13:15 Michael N. Hall keynote talk (Biozentrum of the University of Basel)
“mTOR signaling in growth and metabolism”
Free registration HERE
Cell and Tissue Research in Catalonia (CATCAT) brings together research groups from different institutes, focusing on understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms driving fundamental biological processes.
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