Core Technologies Programme

Core Technologies ProgrammeCore Technologies Programme

  • Units
  • Presentation



The Core Technologies Programme mission is to provide the research community state-of-the-art services and expertise to advance research and to support CRG being a world leading centre in biomedical science.

CRG Technologies Programme:

  • Have experts in research technologies and provide state-of-the-art equipment and applications
  • Implement and develop the newest technologies
  • Drive and participate in key scientific institutional projects
  • Provide multi-disciplinary training to the next generation of scientists
  • Shape and implement strategic initiatives of the institute

Providing high quality and efficiency, we work towards becoming a “Reference Centre for Technology”

CRG Core Technologies are open to all researchers at the PRBB and also to external users anywhere in the world. Besides the platforms available in house, additional technologies can be accessed at partner institutes of the core facilities excellence alliance Core for Life and EU-LIFE

Moreover, the CRG Core Technologies are also part of CERCAGINYS, a platform created by CERCA, for accessing the scientific and technical infrastructures of the 41 CERCA centres, with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The website lists 198 facilities classified by category and quality accreditations. [More information]


Head of Core Technologies Programme: Mònica Morales

Mònica Morales, PhD
Head of Core Technologies Programme
CRG-Centre for Genomic Regulation
Room 472
Tel. +34 93 316 03 73
Short CV
  • 2002 PhD in Biochemistry, Universitat de Barcelona
  • 2002-2007 Postdoctoral at the Molecular Biology Department, Sloan-Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York
  • 2007-2012 Research associate at the Oncology Department, IRB Barcelona
  • 2012-2013 Project manager for Core Facilities at CRG
  • Since 2013 Head of Core Technologies Programme at CRG

Access Procedures

Access Workflow for Service Requests
Access Workflow for Instrument Booking
Data Management Workflow at CRG Core Technologies

Core Technologies Programme Operations Officer